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first in war and first in peace

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11mo ago

George Washington was the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. He was also the first commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

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Q: What are two firsts of George Washington?
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Barack Obama and George Washington are alike how?

They are both "firsts"-- George Washington was the first US president; Barack Obama is the first African-American president. But other than the fact that both were/are men, and both were/are Christians, there are not many other similarities.

What was the two presidents names that served the two terms George Washington served?

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George Washington.

What are two things named after George Washington besides Washington D.C.?

The Washington Monument in Washington DC The state of Washington

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George Washington is the better known of these two.

Two things that are nemed after George Washington?

Washington, DC and the Washington Monument

Who was the second president in office?

George Washington George Washington was the first ELECTED for office, but there was a time period of two weeks where George Washington had to get to office, and he had a replacement for those two weeks. didn't know that DID YOU!

Was George Washington married?

Yes, George Washington was married to Martha Dandridge Custis, a widow with two children.

When was George Washington presitent?

George Washington was Presidentr of the US for two terms' 1789-1793 and 1793 to 1797

Which presidents are named George?

There are three - George Washington, George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush.

Is George Washingtons married?

George Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis, a widower with two chilldren

Who served two full terms George Washington or abram Lincoln?
