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#1 is Mitt Romney, because many people know that if Mitt Romney becomes president then America and Americans will be rich

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Q: What are the results of the latest election opinion polls?
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Related questions

Is a scientific poll official?

Who certifies the results of any poll? Generally it is the polling agency itself, through conducting spot checks on accuracy. No government agency oversees poll results, so there is nothing to make them "official," with the exception of election polls. Election polls are are not scientific polls, as they are not random samples of public opinion. Instead, everyone eligible to vote casts a ballot. Election polls are the only "official" polls.

Why are polls a more popular measurement of public opinion than election results?

Answer this question… Elections do not occur very frequently.

What has the author Michael W Traugott written?

Michael W. Traugott has written: 'Report of the results of the 1978 Alaska judicial survey' -- subject(s): Judges, Rating of 'The voter's guide to election polls' -- subject(s): Press and politics, Public opinion, Election forecasting, Public opinion polls

Who uses polls?

Polls are used by various groups, including politicians to gauge public opinion, businesses to gather customer feedback, media outlets to predict election outcomes, and researchers to collect data for analysis. Polls are also used by non-profit organizations and advocacy groups to understand public sentiment on specific issues.

What is political manager?

Often times the term of political manager refers to a person appointed by a candidate running for elective office to advise the candidate on what strategies and tactics are needed to win an election. These managers take public opinion polls on issues relevant to the election campaign and closely watch the results of other polls.

Where can one find political polls online?

One can find political polls online to keep up to date with the latest election and results in progress and in real time by searching for the best possible website. One of the best and notable is Calvoter.

What is one way opinion polls can affect the outcome of an election?

the result of a poll can influence people who haven't voted yet

Which statement about opinion polls is most accurate?

opinion polls have been around longer than social media opinion polls can influence how citizens vote

How can the results of exit polls go wrong?

Polls are not scientific and usually are from a small group chosen for the poll. How questions are framed also affect the results. If the company doing the poll they can ask the question to get a particular result. In my opinion we depend too much on polls to make political decisions.

In democracy decisions are made by a majority this means the winner of an election is determined by what?

who the opinion polls say the most people think should win

How can you find out people's opinions on how effective a politician is?

Conduct a survey

Which of the following techniques for measuring public opinion requires careful question design?

public opinion polls