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The trustees are bound by the trust byelaws filed with the charity commissioner and are suppose to function as per the prevailing public trust act of the concern state.

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Q: What are the responsibilities of a trustee for non-profit hospitals?
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Can the president of a nonprofit be president of a profit organization?

no he cant,,he can only be appoint as a trustee of a orgnisation

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Hospitals, nonprofit groups

What are the responsibilities of an executor of a living trust?

A trust doesn't have an executor. It has a trustee. The trustee manages the trust according to the terms of the trust.

Is a settlor also a trustee?

A settlor is not the same as a trustee. The settlor creates the trust by transferring assets into it, while the trustee manages and administers the trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries. In some cases, the settlor can also be a trustee, but they are distinct roles with different responsibilities.

What are the death rates at the different types of hospitals in the United States?

Previous research has shown that death rates are 25% higher in proprietary hospitals than in teaching hospitals, and 6-7% higher in proprietary hospitals than in nonprofit institutions.

What is the responsibility of a trustee in a living trust?

The responsibilities of any trustee are set forth in the trust instrument. A trust should always be drafted by an attorney who specializes in trust law and tax law and who will set the provisions of the trust to meet the needs of the trustor. The powers and responsibilities of the trustee(s) are set forth in the trust instrument and they have no other powers.

Does a trustee get all the money in a trust?

No. The trustee has the power and authority to handle the money in the trust according to the terms set forth in the trust. The trustee must distribute the profits as provided in the trust and must distribute the remaining trust property when the trust terminates according to the provisions in the trust. The trust may also provide compensation for the trustee.

How do nonprofit agencies receive their funding?

Nonprofit organizations may receive funding from sponsorship, donations, or reimbursement for services. The designation "nonprofit" doesn't mean that the organization doesn't charge for services, but only that any resulting profit (the difference between income and expenses) is used within the agency to further its mission. For instance, both for-profit and non-profit hospitals charge for services, but non-profit hospitals don't distribute profits to owners or shareholders.

What is substitution of trustee?

Substitution of trustee is a legal process where the current trustee of a trust is replaced with a new trustee. This can be done for various reasons, such as the original trustee resigning, becoming incapacitated, or being removed due to misconduct. The new trustee assumes all the duties and responsibilities of the former trustee.

What powers does a trustee have over a non-trustee of a irrevocable trust?

The trustee of the trust has all the power and authority to act for the trust. Their duties and powers are set forth in the instrument that created the trust. Their only power over the beneficiaries are those set forth in the trust.A non-trustee (beneficiary) has no power regarding the operation of the trust unless they were given specific powers in the trust instrument such as the power to appoint a new trustee. The beneficiaries also have the power to file a complaint in court if the trustee fails to perform their responsibilities appropriately.The trustee of the trust has all the power and authority to act for the trust. Their duties and powers are set forth in the instrument that created the trust. Their only power over the beneficiaries are those set forth in the trust.A non-trustee (beneficiary) has no power regarding the operation of the trust unless they were given specific powers in the trust instrument such as the power to appoint a new trustee. The beneficiaries also have the power to file a complaint in court if the trustee fails to perform their responsibilities appropriately.The trustee of the trust has all the power and authority to act for the trust. Their duties and powers are set forth in the instrument that created the trust. Their only power over the beneficiaries are those set forth in the trust.A non-trustee (beneficiary) has no power regarding the operation of the trust unless they were given specific powers in the trust instrument such as the power to appoint a new trustee. The beneficiaries also have the power to file a complaint in court if the trustee fails to perform their responsibilities appropriately.The trustee of the trust has all the power and authority to act for the trust. Their duties and powers are set forth in the instrument that created the trust. Their only power over the beneficiaries are those set forth in the trust.A non-trustee (beneficiary) has no power regarding the operation of the trust unless they were given specific powers in the trust instrument such as the power to appoint a new trustee. The beneficiaries also have the power to file a complaint in court if the trustee fails to perform their responsibilities appropriately.

How do you keep beneficiaries from constantly contacting you as the trustee of a living irrevocable trust instead of contacting the lawyer?

If you are the trustee then you have certain responsibilities regarding the operation of the trust. Perhaps you should call the lawyer and ascertain what your responsibilities as trustee encompass. There may be situations where the beneficiaries have the right to call you. Straighten it all out with the attorney and then notify the beneficiaries in writing about your responsibilities and who they should call when they have a question or request.It is likely that you are paid a fee for your role as trustee. The attorney would also be paid a legal fee for any time she spends dealing with the trust. Therefore, you should come to an understanding about who should be called regarding questions by the beneficiaries. Once you arrive at an understanding of your own duties you could arrange to have the beneficiaries email you with their comments, questions and requests.If you are the trustee then you have certain responsibilities regarding the operation of the trust. Perhaps you should call the lawyer and ascertain what your responsibilities as trustee encompass. There may be situations where the beneficiaries have the right to call you. Straighten it all out with the attorney and then notify the beneficiaries in writing about your responsibilities and who they should call when they have a question or request.It is likely that you are paid a fee for your role as trustee. The attorney would also be paid a legal fee for any time she spends dealing with the trust. Therefore, you should come to an understanding about who should be called regarding questions by the beneficiaries. Once you arrive at an understanding of your own duties you could arrange to have the beneficiaries email you with their comments, questions and requests.If you are the trustee then you have certain responsibilities regarding the operation of the trust. Perhaps you should call the lawyer and ascertain what your responsibilities as trustee encompass. There may be situations where the beneficiaries have the right to call you. Straighten it all out with the attorney and then notify the beneficiaries in writing about your responsibilities and who they should call when they have a question or request.It is likely that you are paid a fee for your role as trustee. The attorney would also be paid a legal fee for any time she spends dealing with the trust. Therefore, you should come to an understanding about who should be called regarding questions by the beneficiaries. Once you arrive at an understanding of your own duties you could arrange to have the beneficiaries email you with their comments, questions and requests.If you are the trustee then you have certain responsibilities regarding the operation of the trust. Perhaps you should call the lawyer and ascertain what your responsibilities as trustee encompass. There may be situations where the beneficiaries have the right to call you. Straighten it all out with the attorney and then notify the beneficiaries in writing about your responsibilities and who they should call when they have a question or request.It is likely that you are paid a fee for your role as trustee. The attorney would also be paid a legal fee for any time she spends dealing with the trust. Therefore, you should come to an understanding about who should be called regarding questions by the beneficiaries. Once you arrive at an understanding of your own duties you could arrange to have the beneficiaries email you with their comments, questions and requests.