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Depends upon which country you are talking about. As far as I know, in the U.K there are no fitness requirements as such to join either the air cadets, army cadets or the sea cadets, however a basic standard of fitness is expected to participate in physical activities.

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There are several requirements that must be met before joining the cadets. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have no record of felony convictions, and pass a health exam.

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If you are in cadets do you have to join the army in the future?

Short answer, No you do not have to join the army after you finish cadets.

Whats the youngest you need to be to go cadets?

you can join junior sea cadets at 11. you can join air and army cadets when you're 13

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Yes, you should join the army cadets. There are also navy and air force cadets, but these focus in different areas. If you are interested in camouflage and concealment, fieldcraft, firing rifles, navigation, drill, leadership, teamwork and radio telecommunications, then the army cadets will be beneficial to you.

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It depends on what you want to do or what you're most interested in. The Sea Cadets do lots of things as does the other Cadet Corps. Although, Sea Cadets specialises in ships, Army Cadets in guns and combat and Air Cadets with aircrafts and mechanics. So if you're not a particularly athletic person you could always join the Sea or Air Cadets. Or if you love adventure you could always join Army or Sea Cadets.

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Everyone!!!! The more the better.

What are the requirements and procedures to join the air cadet of Canada?

The requirements for Air Cadets is Valid Health Card, two pieces of I.D. (health card is one), and you have to be at least 13 years old. The procedures are you have to fill out the form they give you and submit it back to your squadron office.

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i don't knw

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LOL no :P

Who old do you have to be to join the police cadets?

you have to be 45 years old to join the rcmp

Can you go to Afghanistan if your in the army cadets?

No you cant. The Australian Army Cadets do not fight. They are mainly positioned at one building but go on 'excursions'. The AAC (Australian Army Cadets) train / drill you incase you want to join the actual ADF (Australian Defence Force) or if you just want to join. In short: NO the Army cadets are a youth organisation and wouldn't even be called into active service in a national emergancy. its a charity not a Armed Force

What are the requirements for being a marine in Texas A and M?

You join the Corps of Cadets when enrolling at Texas A&M. You can sign in with the Naval Science department and take classes in military science. If you do well and pass the physicals, you can become an officer by signing a contract.