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In Astrology primary directions and secondary directions are used for progressions. Primary directions are a degree for a year and secondary directions are a day for a year.

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Q: What are the primary and secondary directions?
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What Are Primary ANd Secondary Direction?

In Astrology primary directions and secondary directions are used for progressions. Primary directions are a degree for a year and secondary directions are a day for a year.

What is secondary directions?

a secondary direction is the directions between the cardinal directions which are north east south and west the secondary directions are northeast northwest southeast and southwest

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Any wave has two directions: the up and down direction (primary wave) and the side to side direction (secondary wave).

What is a cardinal direction?

All the directions on a compass make up the Compass Rose.Cardinal Directions are North, South, East and West. Cardinal in this sense means main or major.The directions halfway between these Cardinal directions are Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest. These are called Primary InterCardinal directions. Between the Cardinal and Primary InterCardinal directions are the Secondary InterCardinal directions, such as North-Northeast.

Difference between primary server and secondary server?

Primary Means, it is individual there is no dependence, But Secondary will allays depends on Primary, If you want to do Secondary, you should complete primary first, There is no precondition to primary, but for Secondary Primary is the Precondition, first you should do primary, then only you are able to do secondary.

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Are north west north East and south west Cardinal directions?

The cardinal directions are north, east, south, and west. Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and so on are the primary intercardinal directions, or Ordinal directions. As you might have guessed, north by northeast (NNE), south by southwest (SSW), and so on, are the Secondary intercardinal (or Ordinal) directions.