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Seals and penguins are completely different animals.

To start with, seals are mammals and penguins are birds, which means that penguins have wings, feathers and beaks while seals don't. Although the seals flippers look like wings, they aren't. They are used for swimming. Seals have fur. Some types of seals also eat penguins, but otherwise they both eat fish.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

one is bird, other is not

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Q: What are the difference between seals and penguins?
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What is the differences between Seals and Penguins of Antarctica?

Seals are marine mammals; penguins are sea birds.

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Yes, seals are predators of penguins and will hunt them for food. Penguins are a common prey for certain seal species, such as leopard seals and Antarctic fur seals.

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Seals are penguins enemies.

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The answer is predation!

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seals walk on there flipper's and they waddle on them like penguins waddle. but they are not penguins

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The only difference between the two are that one has ears, and one is a natural no eared seals! Simple!

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Emperor penguins, Adelie penguins, flying birds, Elephant seals, Weddell seals and Leopard seals

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The main difference is.... puffins can fly - penguins can't !

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The penguins preditors are the leapard seals, fur seals, sea lions, shark, killer whale, and on land their preditors are foxes, snakes, and sea gulls.

What are the penguins preditors?

leopard seals