A pediatrician must have a medical degree from an accredited medical school. A Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree, Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, or a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/MBChB) must be earned. After obtaining one of these recognized medical degrees, a residency in pediatrics must be completed and board-certification examinations must be passed.
If you want to become a pediatrician, you need to have a medical degree. You also need to have completed your residency.
A pediatrician is an MD (or DO), but some pediatricians do go on to get their PhD degrees, usually because they are interested in doctoral research in a very specific area of pediatrics. A PhD by itself, however, will not suffice - for clinical pediatric work. ;)
A pediatrician is a children's doctor.
Paediatrician (American spelling - Pediatrician). A Pediatrician
a pediatrician
Answer She has advanced nursing degrees and also is a PHYSICIANS ASSIATANT, and is more than qualified to treat your child and write prescriptions.
A pediatrician is a doctor specializing in children. The only difference is that the pediatrician works with kids.
A pediatrician can do many jobs but they have to be dealing with children.A pediatrician can do many jobs but they have to be dealing with children.
The least a Pediatrician can earn is 60,000 a year. The average pediatrician makes 140,000 a year. The most a Pediatrician can earn is 400,000 a year.
To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical school degree 3-4 years of an accredited residency program For a combined total of 11-12 years of training after the completion of high school.