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Q: What are the Organisms in an ecosystem?
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Why do organisms in ecosystem engage in relationship?

organisms in an ecosystem engage in relationships because they need partners or pairs so they can survive in the ecosystem

What is a group of organisms and their environment called?


There can be several in an ecosystem?

By its very definition an ecosystem requires several organisms. An ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment. It is the very concept of all of the organisms and their interaction with the area in which they live. Without some organisms and an environment to interact with you don't have an ecosystem.

Why do organisms in an ecosystem engage in relationships?

Organisms in an ecosystem engage in relationships to obtain resources such as food, shelter, and protection. These interactions help organisms survive, reproduce, and maintain a balanced ecosystem. Relationships also contribute to the flow of energy and nutrients within the ecosystem.

How do you you write ecosystem in a sentence?

An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms.

Organisms within an ecosystem are factors in that ecosystem?

Your moms box

Why can it be dangerous to bring new organisms into an ecosystem?

it may kill other organisms in the ecosystem or others might kill it.

What are the levels of organisms of an ecosytem?

The levels of organizatio n within an ecosystem are: Organisms-----Population----- Community-----Ecosystem-----Biomes.

What are organisms in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem?

Organisms in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem are typically primary producers, such as plants and algae. These organisms convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, forming the basis of the food chain and providing energy for all other organisms in the ecosystem.

What is the effect of limiting factors in a local ecosystem?

They affect floridas ecosystem by not letting other organisms have their habitat

Why are there different types of organisms in different ecosystem?

There are a number of different types of species of organisms in an ecosystem in order for it to be functional and stable. Different organisms add species diversity which increases the stability of the ecosystem. Eg. the ecosystem such as a forest can quickly regenerate after a natural disturbance such as a fire.

What is a group of organisms of different species that live and interact together referred as?

A group of organisms of different species living and interacting together is referred to as a community. The organisms in a community depend on each other for resources and play specific roles in the ecosystem.