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Q: What are the 2008 presidential candidates platforms?
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What are the platforms of the presidential candidates?

The platforms of Presidential candidates vary. Some candidates platforms include lower taxes for the middle class, increase jobs and access to better healthcare.

What are the two main purposes of national conventions held every four years?

They decide on party platforms and nominate presidential/vice-presidential candidates.

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Meetings to select the party's presidential and vice presidential candidates are called?

In the US, the presidential and vice-presidential candidates for a party are announced at the party's respective convention. Both the Democratic and the Republican ones occured in fall of 2008.

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 2008?

Barack Obama/Joe Biden John McCain/Sarah Palin

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How many parties the were in presidential election 2008?

Five parties nominated candidates for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and the Constitution Party. In addition to their candidates, Ralph Nader ran as an Independent.

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each party nominated presidential and vice-presidential candidates

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Richard M.Nixon/Spiro Agnew George McGovern/R.Sargent Shriver

What are the platforms of each of the presidential candidates?

she hates me and she dont like meUnfortunately, the candidates are often unwilling to tell the unwashed masses (that's us) what they really believe and support out of fear that they may alienate some of their supporters. The simple reality is, we'd ALL like to know the platforms of the candidates, but all too often they say a lot without saying anything of substance, and it's all deliberate.

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national conventions for nominating presidential candidates.