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There are several hair off facial buffers. Some of these include Facial Buffer by the brand Hair Off, the Hair Off Mitten by the brand Hair Off, and The Body Shop Facial Buffer.

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What are some hormone therapies for facial hair growth?

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Many facial hair removal creams, like Nair, have a sensitive skin formula. There are wax strips for sensitive skin, such as Parissa. And, threading is becoming more popular as a less harsh hair removal process.

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You can't increase facial hair, strictly speaking. What hair folicles you have, you have; you can't rearrange DNA. You can try to thicken the hair using creams and the like, but they probably won't do all that much. Some people have a lot of facial hair, some don't.

Is there any way that you can facilitate the growth of facial hair if you are 22 and do not have facial hair?

Facial and body hair is down mainly to your genetics. If you do not have facial hair yet at 22-years-old then there is still time. Facial and body hair comes with the onstart of puberty, but a beard can take a while to appear. It may start a bit here and there or look patchy in places when it begins but it is a sign that facial hair is beginning. Some races of people have genetics that gives very little facial and body hair and others much more.

Why does the lynx have facial hair?

All mammals have facial hair. In many cases it is for warmth or protection from sunlight. There are special hairs that sense touch. The body is as wide as some of the facial hairs.

What are the pros and cons of waxing facial hair?

Some of the pros of waxing facial hair include: looking younger, appearing more hygienic, and looking stylist. Some cons of waxing facial hair include: cost, time consuming, and discomfort associated with waxing.

What facial hair did Walt Disney have?

Some times a mustache.

Can you grow facial hair after 22 years of age?

Yes, it is possible to continue growing facial hair after the age of 22. Facial hair growth is primarily influenced by genetics and hormonal changes. While some men may experience more facial hair growth during puberty, it is still possible for facial hair to continue thickening and filling out in the years following.

Did American Indians have facial hair?

The answer is yes and no. Mainly it depends on the persons genetics and family history. If they had ancestors from other races who had facial hair then yes they will have facial hair too. Otherwise true blooded American Indians cannot grow facial hair cause of the smooth skin they inherited. Also some American Indian tribes can grow facial hair but prefer to shave it clean, mainly due to the ancestors beliefs that man should not be at the same level in appearance as animals.

How can you make facial hair grow faster I am 15 years old and I have a lot of body hair but for some reason I have trouble growing facial hair Is there any recommendations of what I can do?

you can shave your face were you want hair to grow..... 2nd Answer: The above answer is an old wive's tale . . . you have to wait until your body decides to grow more facial hair on you.