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the difference between income derived from the viewpoint of maintaining financial capital (as in historical cost accounting) and income derived from a system of ensuring that physical capital

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Q: What are some of the major strengths and weaknesses of historical cost accounting?
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None. Africa is a continent and does not have an overall economy. Individual countries in Africa have their own strengths and weaknesses as far as exporting is concerned.

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Following are major categories of accounting: 1 - Cost accounting 2- Financial accounting 3 - management accounting

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Two known strengths that Citibank possesses includes a good financial war chest and a very highly skilled work force. It will however face a lot of competition as it expands globally because of major players.

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Your major would be accounting.

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i believe that her strength was having the will to live, having strong faith in god, and never giving up on hope. if it was me and many others in the holocaust, we would probably given up and just die. anne frank didn't do that and i believe that's strengths.

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The major weakness was the size of the fleet, in comparison to the size of the Spanish, it was considered about half as big. though they also had some advantages because the English ships were really light and fast

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Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Auditing.

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The GAO : Government Accounting Office for one ,