Giovanni da verrazano
Other ways to spell the name 'May' include Mae and Mai.
camron or camerone
Abigail, Abigael, Abagael and Abigale are all ways to spell this girls' name. There are probably more, too. Look around and you may find other unique ways to spell this name.
Kristen and many other ways
Oh, dude, there are like so many ways to spell "divine." You've got "divine" with an "e" at the end, "devine" without the "i," and if you're feeling fancy, you could even throw in some silent letters like "divyne." But hey, as long as you're feeling spiritually enlightened, who really cares how you spell it, right?
Yes, there are other ways to spell christene. There is Christine and Christeen just as a couple of examples. Really this name could be spelled however the naming parent want to spell it.
emmalee, emmaleigh emillie, emili.
different ways to spell Heidi
Ireland Éire Airlann Airlan Erin