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Q: What are military incendiaries?
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What bombs were used at the blitz?

High explosive fragmentation bombs and incendiaries.

What has the author Edith Thomas written?

Edith Thomas has written: 'The women incendiaries'

Is red phosphorus used in smoke or incediary or atomic nuclear war heads?

None of those. White phosphorus is used in some military smoke munitions that can also cause fires (incendiaries). Phosphorus is not used in nuclear weapons at all.

If a fire involves hexachlorethane or incendiaries what is used to fight the early stages of the fire?

dry sand or powder

What was the name of the bomb that attacked japan?

Nagasaki- Fat man(plutonium) Hiroshima-Little boy(uranium235) Add to that the 100,000s of unnamed (or named after GI's girlfriends) phosphorous incendiaries, magnesium incendiaries, and high explosive bombs. Which did far more total damage and killed more people per raid than either atomic bomb did.

Which bombs were dropped during World War 2?

Incendiaries, high explosives, 2 atomic bombs, tallboy, earthquake, bouncing... etc.

What is incendiaries?

An Incendiary weapon is one that burns intensely rather than detonates, so destroying by heat and fire rather than by blast (pressure-wave)

Can civilians buy dummy grenades such as perfect replicas of frags and incendiaries?

No due to the fact they are realistic looking they can pose as a threat to law enforcement and can trigger a call to shoot the holder of the grenade.

What did us use on japan in world war 2?

thousands of tons of magnesium and phosphorus incendiary bombs, and 2 five ton atomic bombs. ultimately the incendiaries damaged the country more per city attacked, but the atomic bombs ended the war.

Do have you have to be in the military to play for the military?

no you dont have to be in the military to play military

What were some of the ways people died in the Holocaust?

Shooting and gunplay, torture or so-called medical experiments, with and without anesthesia and certainly without consent, legitimate military action- burns from bomb shells and incendiaries, etc- Gas in the prison camps- called Zyklon-B which means Cyclone-B. There were also many victims of Euthanasia and bodies were cremated, broken up ( like junked autos) for anatomical studies and other means of altering and destroying the evidence. still there were many, some say, too many survivors.

What is correct US Military or US military?

US Military or U.S. Military.