An Iroquois Bow is made out of maple wood. The Indians would soak the wood in water to make it more bendable. Then they would cut notches in the wood and make a bowstring out of woven animal hair. After that they wold test the string and tie it really tight to the bow.
the Iroquois used bows arrows, lance, tomahawk, and a club that is what I got from my book
usually they used spears, but they also used bows and arrows.
they used bows and arrows to hunt, another tool they used were arrowheads
they used bows, arrows, traps, clubs and sticks.
cro magon
a fletcher
it was made out of bois d'arc wood, thatis one of the strongest woods, and the best for making bows and arrows
they made arrows out of feather, sage bush, and wood
By the 1700's bows and arrows were not used much. The flintlock was used.
A bowyer made bows to shoot arrows.
yes pueblo Indians used bows and arrows