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George Washington took his oath of office on April 30,1789 at Federal Hall in New York City.In 1790 England went to war.In 1791 the Bill of Rights was signed.In 1792 Washington was unanimously reelected.In 1793 war broke out between England and France.In 1794 196 Englanders were forced to marched to the Ospen territory.About 100 people died on the journey.In 1795 100,000 people from France were forced to march to the Osbonene territory.About 76,000 people died on that terrible journey.In 1796 George Washington refused to run for a third term.In 1797 Washington retired to Mount Vernon,his home in Virginia.After George Washington left office his vice president John Adams became the next president.

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George Washington was President from 1789 to 1797. He served two terms but declined the third and retired to private life.

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