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Q: What agency holds elections when employees vote on being represented by a labor organization?
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What is an organization of a travel agency?

A travel agency consists of a agency leader. Under him or her are the other employees, who works mainly with customer care and sales. A travel agency might also have employees situated abroad as travel guides.

What is an organization that performs the tasks for which the organization exists?

A workforce or staff within an organization typically performs the tasks for which the organization exists. These employees are responsible for executing the organization's goals and objectives, ensuring its operations run smoothly and efficiently.

What is the international organization?

A United Nations agency that helps employees, employers, and governments of its member countries to promote decent work conditions.

How do you spell stuff meaning employees?

The collective noun staff is used for the people working for an organization or agency.

What is a union agency shop?

The agency-shop policy allows both union and nonunion workers to be employed by an organization, but the nonunion employees must pay a union fee equal to union dues.

What is the International Labor Organization?

A United Nations agency that helps employees, employers, and governments of its member countries to promote decent work conditions.

What is an example of a staff agency?

A staff agency is a temporary service that matches potential employers with employees. They are an outside agency that fills jobs with suitable laborers.

Which agency licenses pharmacy employees?

Drug enforcement agency

What agency oversees elections in Texas?

secretary of state

What is line agency?

line agency- an agency which performs the tasks for which the organization exsists.

Does Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys currently have an agent?

In the US, Brian Wilson is represented by the William Morris Agency. In the UK, he is represented by the Agency Group.

Who is the agency The World Health Organization an agency for?

United Nations