In November 2007 when he was elected by the popular vote, and in January 2008 when he was elected by the electoral college, Barack Hussein Obama II was 47 years old, because he was born on August 4th, 1961.
Barack Obama was 47 years old when he was elected president on November 4, 2008.
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and was elected in November 2008. Therefore Barack Obama was 47 years of age when he was elected President. He is the first African American person to hold this office.
Many claimed that America was post racial after Barack Obama was elected president.
Barack Obama was first elected to the Illinois state senate, beginning in 1996.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama was elected President in the United States of America.
"Barack Obama"
When he was elected President, Barack Obama was a resident of Chicago, IL.
Barack Obama was 47 years of age when first elected President and at the time of his first inauguration, making him the fifth-youngest U. S. President (after T. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton and Grant).
Barack Obama was elected president
Barack Obama.
Yes, Barack Obama was elected fairly by the people.