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Well since he was born on August 4th, 1961 and was elected president in November 2008,

that would make him (doing the math here: two thousand eight minus one thousand nine hundred

sixty one equals forty seven) 47 years old the first time he was elected president.

The second time in 2012 he was re-elected, and he was 4 years older at the ripe old age of 51 years


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Barack Obama was 47 when he was sworn in as president.

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Barack Obama was 47 years old when he took office on January 20, 2009.

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In the 2008 election he was 47 but in the 2012 election he was 51

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45 years old

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About 50’s

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Q: What age did Barack Obama become President?
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Barack Obama was 47 years of age when first elected President and at the time of his first inauguration, making him the fifth-youngest U. S. President (after T. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton and Grant).

How old was Barack Obama when alected?

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and was elected in November 2008. Therefore Barack Obama was 47 years of age when he was elected President. He is the first African American person to hold this office.

How old is Barack Obama when he was president?

Mr. Obama was born in 1961, and in 2012 he celebrated his 51st birthday.

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In November 2007 when he was elected by the popular vote, and in January 2008 when he was elected by the electoral college, Barack Hussein Obama II was 47 years old, because he was born on August 4th, 1961.

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Barack Obama was eligible to run for and become president of the United States because he was born in Hawaii. The requirements to be president only involve being a natural-born citizen of the U.S. and meeting the age and residency requirements, not the nationality of the president's parents.

What is the age of the president?

Assuming you meant the american president - At the time of writing (8th May 2012), Barack Obama is 50 years old.

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Obama is a two-term president of the United States. He will remembered in the US for at least a century and studied after that. Bieber is a teen-age idol . He will likely be forgotten in 5 years.

Does Obama meet US presidency requirements?

Barack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961, in Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. He is a US Citizen by birth, over the age of 35, and thus eligible for election as President of the USA.

When is President Barack Obama's birth day?

August 4th 1961 (Age 48 This Year!) He Was Born In Honolulu, Hawaii

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Barack Obama is currently 50 years of age (as of 2012). He was born August 4, 1961.

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