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If you are a man, probably around 45-50, since little kids don't feel comfortable around "a scary old man(!)." A woman, however, should consider retiring around 60.

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Q: What age could you retire if your a pediatrician?
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Related questions

Does a woman have to retire at 60?

No. Retirement is not an age, but a dollar amount. If you had millions of dollars at age 30, wouldn't you be able to retire? Most people don't have that kind of money, but if you did had that kind of money, you could retire.

What do pediatrician do when they retire?

They play golf and complain about the weather, just like everybody else.

Is there an age requirement to be a Pediatrician?


What is the earliest age I can retire?

The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.

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When your enlistment contract is up or your retire. That could be 2, 4, 6, or 20+ years from the age at which you joined.

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the senate has to retire at the age of 75.

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at the age of 123

What is the oldest you can be to become an airline pilot?

it is my understanding that commercial airline pilots must retire at age 65. so, anytime before this, i suppose. i think dat commercial airline pilots retire at age 69. so,at the age of 30yrs you could start i guess.

When does a anesthesiologist retire?

There is not set age for when a doctor is suggested to retire. The rule of thump is always that a doctor must retire when old age effects his or her performance.

What age will Chris Brown retire?

We do not know what age Chris Brown plans to retire because Chris Brown has never said anything about when he plans to retire or that he plans to retire anytime soon.