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Jefferson ordered for the citizens who were fined, for the fines to be refunded and those who were under imprisoned were released.

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Caden Hauser

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Caden Hauser

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βˆ™ 3y ago

He banned it

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Q: What action did Jefferson take as president to help those convicted under the sedition ac what action did Jefferson take as president to help those convicted under the sedition act?
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What is the action Jefferson took toward Republican martyrs convicted under the Federalist Sedition Law?

what was the action Jefferson took toward republican "martyrs"convicted under the federalist sedition law?

Action Jefferson took toward republican martyrs convinced under the federalist sedition law?

Jefferson pardoned the Republicans who had been convicted under the Federalist Sedition Law. Thomas Jefferson served as the 3rd U. S. President.

Action Jefferson took toward republican 'martyrs' convicted under the federalist sedition law?

The Sedition Acts were a group of laws that defined rebellious and civil disorder actions that are taken against a government body. Jefferson pardoned Republican martyrs that were convicted of such actions.

What action did Jefferson take as president to help those convicted under the section act?

find it out ur self.... and he said yayayayayayayay

What action Jefferson took based on his principles.?

He emphasized his belief in a limited government and the protection of civil liberties. Jefferson convinced Congress to let the Alien and Sedition Acts expire.

What action did president Thomas Jefferson take to encourage economic growth of the US?

President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory.

Presidential action forgiving a person convicted of a crime?

The presidential action of forgiving a person convicted of a crime is referred to as a pardon. Many times a president will pardon several people on his last day in office.

What are some political action Thomas Jefferson initiated as President?

he killed John ADams

Why did President Jefferson advocate naval action against the Barbary pirates?

President Jefferson advocated naval action against the Barbary pirates because he believed a war would ultimately cost less than continuing to pay tributes. Thomas Jefferson was President from 1801 to 1809.

What action did Thomas Jefferson take despite questions about the constitutional provisions allowing it?

President Thomas Jefferson questioned the constitutional right to purchase the Louisiana Territory.

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the?

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the Barbary pirates.

How did the president violate the Constitution by making the Louisiana Purchase?

It was violated because it did not say anywhere in the Constitution that the president could buy or sell land, But after much consideration he did make the settlement. The argument can be made that the Louisiana Purchase by President Jefferson was unconstitutional since there are no rights listed for the President to expand the borders of the United States. Supporters of this action however argue that Jefferson was acting as a treaty with France and Spain in the purchase and therefore it was constitutional.