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I think the prez should be loyal and honest

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Q: What abilities should your president have?
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Thomas Jefferson was described as tall, strong and flexible, however, specific or noteworthy physical abilities are undocumented. Jefferson served as American's third president.

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What should president do?

A president should protect and serve our country. A president should prosper life and liberty. A president should obey the wishes of Decloration of independence, the constitution, and the amendments. A president should not have advisors smuthering 'em with junk, and non sence. A president should never doubt himself or our country. A president should leave the economy to the people and not the government. A president should put the citizens above himself. A president should spend alot of time making allies and conrads. A president should take pride in americans, and never apolgize enless it was accident And now , what type of president would you be?

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the Vice president should submit his resignation to the President

It should be possible to reconstitute the abilities of the vesicles?

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Why Animals Should not be used for drug development or for medical research?

cause animals differ from humans and they have different abilities and their abilities are based on their medical research

Should the president give up being president and serve in the white house?

No, a president should stay his term. He should have thought about it before.