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George Washington surely carried some kind of gun from time to time.

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Q: What US president was the last to carry a gun?
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Who was the last Vice President to carry a gun in the US Senate?


Where is a US Marshal allowed to carry a gun?

almost anywhere

Can you carry a gun without a permint?

depends on where you are- and you did not tell us that.

Who is the last president to be a Freemason?

The last President of the US who was a Mason was Gerald Ford.

How many people have a license to carry a gun in the US?

Too many

What is the gun license age?

There is no such thing as a gun license in the US. There are concealed carry permits/licenses and dealers licenses.

What was the last name of the US President in 2002?

The last name of the US President in 2002 was George W. Bush.

Who is last president of us?

obama :/

Who qualifies to carry a gun and how can a person get a permit to carry a gun in Illinois?

Sorry- Illinois has the most restrictive concealed carry laws in the US. Other than occupations such as police officer or armed security officer, you will not get a permit.

Who was the last us president from Chicago?

The only US president with ties to Chicago is Barack Obama.

How do you get a gun license in America?

You need to define the term gun license. In most of the US there is no license to own a gun. Some states require a license to carry a gun. others to carry a gun concealed. There is also a license to make or sell guns. All are different and have different procedures.

How gun permit is important?

You will have to define "gun permit". It means different things in different places. In some areas, you must have a permit to possess a gun, in some places a permit to carry a gun, and in others, a permit to carry a gun concealed. depends on the laws where you live- and we get questions from all 50 US States and multiple nations other than the US.