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Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)

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Q: What US Supreme Court case gave the Court the final say on the law?
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What did the Supreme Court's decision in the case of marbury v. Madison for the Supreme Court?

It gave the Supreme Court powers not granted by the Constitution

What did the supreme court decision in the case Marbury v. Madison do for the supreme court?

It gave the Supreme Court powers not given by the Constitution.

What did the supreme court's decision in the case of marbury v Madison do for the supreme court?

It gave the Supreme Court powers not granted by the Constitution

What was a result of the Supreme Court case Marbury v Madison?

The Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional

What was the result of the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison?

It gave the judicial branch power to use judicial review

What did the supreme courts decision in the case of marbury v madison do for the supreme courts?

The decision in Marbury helped establish the Judicial branch, lead by the Supreme Court, as co-equal with the Legislative and Executive branches, when Chief Justice Marshall affirmed the courts' power of judicial review.Marshall's interpretation of Article III was that, as an independent branch of the federal government, part of the Court's responsibility was judicial review, which allows the Supreme Court to analyze legislation relevant to a case before the Court and nullify any laws they determine to be unconstitutional.This enabled the Court to check the power of the Legislative and Executive branches by preventing them from imposing legislation that violated citizens' constitutional rights.Case Citation:Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)

What landmark case was chief justice john Marshall involved with?

John Marshall was the Chief Justice during the 1803 case Marbury vs. Madison. This case increased the Supreme Court's power when Marshall established the principle of judicial review. This gave the Supreme Court power to overturn laws passed by Congress on grounds of unconstitutionality.

What were three results of the US Supreme Court's decision in the Marbury v Madison case?

Chief Justice John Marshall declared Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional.Chief Justice Marshall formally established the Court's right of Judicial Review.Judicial review strengthened the Supreme Court and gave the federal court system a means of checking the power of Congress and the President.

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My Penis. His full name was Harry P. Ickle

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