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Whilst it appears that no serving U.S. president was a Witness, Dwight D. Eisenhower's parents were Witnesses at some time and evidently Eisenhower was brought up as a child Witness. The following quote from The Watchtower 15th Aug 1955 page 511 explains

''Jehovah's Witnesses-the New World Society

A new book by this name has been published by Vantage Press of New York City. Written in newsy reporter style by Marley Cole, it presents for the first time in book form authentic information on the history, activities and doctrinal views of Jehovah's witnesses. Much of the material was gathered by personal interviews with witnesses, some of them being officials of the Society. Frequently in the news is something about the religion of President Eisenhower's parents. This book gives the facts often overlooked or concealed, with documentary proof that they were Jehovah's witnesses for many years. You will be interested in reading this 229-page book and seeing its many fine photographs. It is $2.95 a copy, and may be had at your local bookstore or from the Watchtower Society, 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn 1, N. Y ''

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Q: What U.S. president was one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
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There are many different type of Christianity based religions. Jehovah's Witnesses are one themselves. Being a christian is basically about believing that Christ was alive, and that he did come to earth at one point in time. The difference about Jehovah's witnesses and some other Christians is that Jehovahs witnesses believe that Christ was Jehovah's son, not God himself. And so, to answer your question, Jehovahs witnesses do not date girls or boys from different religions, Christian or not. If someone were to be in a relationship with a person who has a different god, it would almost be like he believes in that god as well. If a witness were to date a girl or boy of a different religion, it would be because he or she is not truly worshiping Jehovah.

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What all can a Jehovahs Witnesses unbaptized publisher do?

One of Jehovah's Witnesses who is an unbaptized publishermeans that they have not been baptized but wish to share in the work that Jesus Christ, God's son, commanded us to do at Matthew 24:14 which reads, "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." The next step for an unbaptized publisher is to become a baptized publisher. Baptized publishers ultimately do the same as unbaptized publishers except for the fact that they have dedicated their lives to Jehovah God meaning they will use their lives in worship to him. For more information about Jehovah's Witnesses, visit, the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses.

How many Jehovahs Witnesses are in the US?

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Can jehovahs witnesses play Pokemon?

We can if our conscience allows us to. Pokemon stands for pocket monsters. Some of us may say God didn't create monsters and not play or watch it, or some may reason that they're creatures with no demonic origins. It's really up to the individual. But we most definitely do not play games with magic and the occult.

How many president does the US have?

The US at one time may only have one president. The total number of presidents that the US has had if you count the current one is 44.

Can there be more than one president?

The US has only one president at a time.

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