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John McCain serves on the following Senate committees (as of January 2008): * Armed Services (where he is the ranking member) * Commerce, Science, and Transportation * Indian Affairs John McCain also serves on several sub-committees. Follow the link below to learn more about John McCain's committee memberships and bills sponsored by John McCain.

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energy and commerce, science, and Transportation and Official Conduct

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Q: What Senate committees is John McCain on?
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What is John McCain's Profession?

john mcCain is a senate that is why he is running for president

Was john mccain governor of Arizona?

No. John McCain was in the House of Representatives and then in the Senate. He was never a governor.

Is John McCain Chairperson for any US Senate Committees?

No, this session, the 110th Senate Sessions, all committee chairperson appointments were made by the Democrats. Although there are 49 Republicans, 49 Democrats, and 2 Independent Senators, Lieberman sided with the Democrats giving the Democrats a 50-49 advantage over the Republicans in deciding which Party could appoint the committee chairs. McCain is the ranking, i.e. Senior, Republican on the Senate Committee on Armed Services Check the link below for more information on John McCain, the committees he is on, his voting record, and more.

When was John McCain elected?

John McCain was elected to the U.S Senate in 1986, winning re-election easily in 1992, 1998, and 2004.

How many terms has John McCain served in the Senate?

21 Years in the Senate, 4 in the House of Representatives.

When was John McCain the Naval Liaison for the United States Senate?

John McCain was appointed Naval Liaison for the US Senate in July 1977. This job mainly consisted of providing political assistance along with acting as a facilitator. The reader also may be interested to know that John McCain obtained the job after his dad, Jack McCain, held the position.

What state does maccain represent?

John McCain represented the state of Arizona in the United States Senate.

How is barack obama and john mccain alike?

They both served in the US Senate.

How long has macCain served in senate?

John McCain was elected to the US Senate in 1986 and has served continuously since.

What is John McCain's experience with politics?

U.S. House of Represenatives, navy, and U.S. senate

Republican Presidential nominee John McCain represents which state in the US Senate?


What is John McCain's government background?

§ John McCain is a U.S. Senator from Arizona (1987-present) § He was a U.S. Representative for the State of Arizona (1980-1987) § He was a Naval Liaison to the U.S. Senate