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There were several US Presidents who were not able to attend a college for obvious reasons. There can only be one who signed the US Constitution, and that would be the First President of the United States, George Washington. Find out who the others are.

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Q: What President signed the US Constitution but never attended college?
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How many framers signed the constitution?

Originally, 70 men were invited to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Of those invited, 55 attended and 39 actually signed the final document.?æ

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in all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan ...

Was george clymer a president?

No, but he signed the Constitution And the Declaration of Independence.

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Yes, he is a Framer of the U.S. Constitution because he signed the declaration of independence and he attended the Convention.

How many people were president before the constitution?

None. Until 1789 there was no US government and that is when the constitution was signed and Washington became President.

Out of 55 delegates how many attended college?

Of the 55 delegates that signed the Declaration of Independence, about one half had attended or graduated from a college. George Washington attend William and Mary College long enough to qualify as a surveyor.

What percentage of the delegates of the constitutional convention signed the constitution?

39 delegates signed the Constitution, or 71% of the 55 delegates who attended the convention. Most of those who did not sign had left the convention early -- some for personal reasons, and some out of protest.

Which president signed the charter for gallaudet college?

Abraham Lincoln in 1864 signed the charter for Gallaudet University

Who signed the first Constitution?

There were 40 signers of the U.S. Constitution, but the very first belonged to George Washington, who was the president of the convention.

Did cc sabathia go to college?

Sabathia signed a letter of intent to attend the University of Hawaii, but never attended college.