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Drago Doctrine. :)

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Q: What Latin American proclamation stated that force could not be used as a means of collecting debts?
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Related questions

What is proclamation in Latin?

The Latin for proclamation is edictum.

What is official American policy that stated that disorder in Latin America could force the US to send its military into Latin American nations to protect America?

monroe doctrine

What latin word is proclamation derived from?


What latin word is edict derived from?

Edictum, a proclamation or edict.

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What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. It stated that no European countries were allowed to intervene in Latin American affairs. The only way that the U.S was allowed to become involved was if the affairs or European countries was threatened. The United States could exercise police power in Latin America. The United States was the only country allowed to interfere with Latin American countries.

What is the root word of the word proclamation?

The root word of "proclamation" is "claim," which comes from the Latin word "clamare," meaning "to cry out."

Is tomato from Latin American vegatable?

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What is collecting of beer mats called?

From: "Tegestology is a Latin term defined as the practice of collecting beermats or coasters, with practitioners known as tegestologists"

Is a Bon Bon French or Latin American?

Latin American. Definitely not French.

When was Latin American Antiquity created?

Latin American Antiquity was created in 1990.

When was Latin American Perspectives created?

Latin American Perspectives was created in 1974.