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the New Deal was tring to give the economy jobs to work with

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Q: What 3 major initiatives did hoover take to help the economy of the US?
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How did building the Hoover Dam help Nevada's economy back in the 1930?

giving a lot of work

President Hoover expected the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to .?

President Hubert Hoover expected the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to energize the economy and help the Stock Market poll out of its downturn. The Corporation was a huge disappointment.

What did hoover do to help the economy after the stop market crashed?

getting people back to work rather than directly granting relief

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OECD stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and helps the world come up with initiatives to spark the economy and development.

How did hoover think volunteerism would help turn the economy around?

businesses and individuals would work together t o end the crisis

What 2 major strategies did president Hoover use to promote economic recovery?

In 1922 Hoover wrote a book American individualism, presented arguements that the government should not help out individual americans because it would not improve the economy. He called in " rugged individualism" By 1931, Hoover increased funding for public works, or goverment finianced building projects in hopes to give construction jobs to those jobs lost in the private sector.

Herbert Hoover's approach to the Depression economy was based on a belief in what?

Hoover believed in a balanced budget and not pumping government money into the economy. He believed in "rugged individualism" and relied on the individual, the churches and private charities, and the local and state governments to handle most of the economic help that was needed.

How did Herbert Hoover think volunteerism would help turn the economy around?

businesses and individuals would work together t o end the crisis

What was president hoover's fear about deficit spending?

President Hoover feared that deficit spending would lead to inflation and undermine the stability of the economy. He believed that the government should operate with a balanced budget and not rely on excessive borrowing to fund its activities. He prioritized fiscal responsibility and believed that deficit spending could have long-term negative consequences for the economy.

What are some initiatives for farmers in the Bahamas?

please help me with this ans because i really need help with this

What actions did Hoover take to improve the economy?

Hoover did try and help the economic mess that began during his administration. He gave much of his money to charity and encouraged Americans to do the same. He broke with Republicans and did away with the taxes that had been placed on citizens during the Coolidge administration. He thought that would allow for more income being spent to help the economy rebound. He spent $500 million a year on public works and government programs to build or improve government properties. The most famous was the Hoover (Boulder) Dam. Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (continued by FDR) which created an agency to help banks, railroads, and other key businesses to stay in business thus helping the economy. All of these things could not stem the tide of the economic collapse. Hoover believed in a balanced budget and not pumping government money into the economy. He believed in "rugged individualism" and relied on the individual, the churches and private charities, and the local and state governments to handle most of the economic help that was needed.

Which law did Hoover's administration help pass to limit the quantity of goods that American farmers could sell to other countries in an attempt decrease surplus and stabilize the economy?

Agricultural marketing act