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No. in fact no amendments were ratified between 1804 (12th which modified the election of the president and VP) and 1865 (the 13th which abolished slavery.)

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Q: Were any amendments to the Constitution enacted during the presidency of James K. Polk?
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The first 10 amendments, known as the bill of rights, were added to the constitution while Washington was president.

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There were four amendments added to the United States Constitution during what is known as the Progressive Era. The Constitution currently has 27 amendments.

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Reconstruction was the major domestic issue during Andrew Johnson's presidency. It was during his presidency that the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments went into effect.

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17 Amendments were added to the bill of rights

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A president cannot add amendments. There is a specific procedure for amending the constitution, which requires the proposed amendment to first be passed by the congress and then be ratified by the states. There have been no constitutional amendments that were added during Mr. Obama's first term.

Were there any amendments made during eisenhowers presidency?

Yes, there were two amendments ratified during Eisenhower's presidency: the 24th Amendment in 1964, which prohibited the use of poll taxes in federal elections, and the 25th Amendment in 1967, which clarified the presidential succession process and established procedures for filling a vice presidential vacancy.

What amendment was ratified during taft's presidency?

The XVI Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1913 (Income Tax).