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Yes. George Washington Custis Lee, usually called "Custis" by his family, graduated first in the Class of 1854, so his father was the Superintendent during his last two years as a cadet. Robert E. Lee's nephew, Fitzhugh Lee, was also a student there at the time, in the Class of 1856, so his uncle was in charge for his first three years. Both the younger Lees became cavalry generals in the Confederate service, as did another son of Robert, W. H. F. "Rooney" Lee. Rooney went to Harvard and then entered the US Army after graduating. Robert's youngest son, Robert E. Lee Jr. was a boy of about 11 to 14 years when his father Superintended West Point, and was thus on campus some. "Rob" never served in the US Army, and was a student at the University of Virginia when the war started. He was too young to attain high rank, and spent much of the war as an enlisted man in an artillery battery.

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Q: Was general lee a superintendent at the us military academy while his son was a cadet there?
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