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The 9th President of the United States was William Henry Harrison from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841.President Harrison died after 32 days in office due to complications of a cold.

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Q: Was William Henry Harrison not even president for a year?
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Was president Harrison empeached?

No, president William Henry Harrison was not impeached. He died in office of pneumonia on his 32nd day in office.

What president gave the speech of 8445 words?

William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States, whose Inaugural Address speech was edited by Daniel Webster in February 1841, holds the record for the longest Inaugural Address speech at 8445 words. Even though there was a snowstorm on William Henry Harrison's inauguration day (March 4, 1841), Harrison refused to move his ceremony indoors. Wanting to prove that he was still a hardy general who could brave the elements, Harrison took the oath of office as well as delivered the longest inaugural address in history (8,445 words, which took him nearly two hours to read) outside. Harrison also wore no overcoat, scarf, or hat. Shortly after his inauguration, William Henry Harrison came down with a cold, which quickly transformed into pneumonia. On April 4, 1841, having only served 31 days in office, President William Henry Harrison died. He was the first President to die in office and still holds the record for serving the shortest term.

Who was the first president to be elected without even being elected?

The answer is John Tyler following the death of William Harrison

What happend to william h Harrison a month after is speech?

The 9th President of the United States was William Henry Harrison President Harrison was in office from March 4, 1841 until April 4, 1841 when he died of pneumonia. He was in office for 32 days, the shortest term by any US President, and was the first US President to die in office..

Who is William harrisson?

William Henry Harrison was president of the United States for one month. He was famous for fighting in the War of 1812. He defeated Techumseh and his people. There is some legend that Techumseh doomed Harrison and other U.S. presidents to their deaths just before he was killed, but it is really just hooey. Anyway, Harrison became ill when he gave the longest presidential speech ever in the freezing cold, and died a month later. Even Indian medicenes were tried, but nothing could heal him.

Why did Harrison leave office?

During his presidency, Benjamin Harrison called for higher tariffs, causing a major surplus. He supported giving pensions to Civil War veterans, and he signed in the McKinley tariff, which caused an even higher surplus. Well before the end of his administration, however, the surplus turned into a defecit, leading to the Panic of 1893.

Though progressives eventually rejected William Howard Taft as president taft actually?

William Howard Taft continue to his progressive agenda, even though his progressive allies rejected him. William Howard Taft was president of the United States.

Which presidents lost the first time they ran?

John Adams (1800) John Quincy Adams (1828) Martin Van Buren (1840) Millard Fillmore (1856) Grover Cleveland (1888) Benjamin Harrison (1892) William Howard Taft (1912) Herbert Hoover (1932) Gerald R. Ford (1976) Jimmy Carter (1980) George H. W. Bush (1992)

How many presidents were from Indiana?

None. Benjamin Harrison represented Indiana but was born in Ohio. One U.S. President, Benjamin Harrison, was born in Indiana.

Who was the 24th President of the United States?

Grover Cleveland (Stephen Grover Cleveland, 1837-1908) was the 24th US President (1893-1897). He was also the 22nd President (1885-1889), the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms. He was beaten in the electoral college in 1888 by Benjamin Harrison, even though he led in the popular vote.

Which president saw the most states added to the union?

Benjamin Harrison holds the record with six states added to the union while he was President. The states added were N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming. ( Even though Harrison won 16 of the 20 electoral votes from the new states in 1892, he still lost the election. )

When was the light bulb installed in the White House?

Benjamin Harrison was in office in 1891 when the White House was first wired for electricity. President Harrison, however, did not welcome the new invention with open arms. It has been reported that even though his wife had requested the electricity, they were afraid of being shocked by the light switches on the wall, so they continued to use the old gaslights. They were both reportedly afraid to touch the wall switches so somebody else had to turn the lights on and off for them.