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Technically, no. What is often confusing is that Jefferson would come to oppose much of the legislation put forth by the Federalist party of Alexander Hamilton. There is a difference between the Federalists of Constitutional Convention era and the Federalists that came to dominate the Washington and Adams administration. Jefferson, served as Washington's Sec of State and Madison was the primary author of the Constitution. These two individuals would later oppose much of Hamilton's policies and vision of the role of the new Federal Government. Hence, I think the confusion as to why one might think of Jefferson as being an Antifederalist.

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Q: Was Thomas Jefferson an antifederalist
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Who was the leader of antifederalist?

Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Anti-Federalists. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party, which was supported by George Washington.

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George Clinton was actually a democratic republican which is the opposite party from fedralists, so he was more antifederalist. He worked with Thomas Jefferson

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Anti federalistsGeorge Washington was not an anti Federalist.James Madison was an anti federalist. So as was John Jay.

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The anti-federalists were led by Thomas Jefferson.

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He was a Democratic-Republican, one of the founders in 1792. The party later split (in 1824) to form the Democratic Party and the Whig Party.

Who were the anti-federalist leaders?

Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. The first kids answer is ret*****, Thomas Jefferson was one of the Federalists, and Samuel Adams was impartial... Here are the real ones- James Winthrop, Melancton Smith, Patrick Henry and George Mason.

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There were several antifederalists. Jefferson was considered the leading antifederalist. Other antifederalists include Patrick Henry and George Mason. Antifederalists opposed the constitution.

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Thomas Jefferson's father was Peter Jefferson and his grandfather was Thomas Jefferson.

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Became members of the anti-federalist party. It was an informal faction led by Thomas Jefferson that opposed policies of then Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton in the first term of President George Washington.

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Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine A+

What is Thomas Jefferson's full name?

Thomas Jefferson (he did not have a middle name).

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Thomas Jefferson