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Q: Was Theodore Roosevelt a biocentric utilitarian?
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Distinguish between utilitarian conservation and biocentric preservation Name two environmental leaders associated with each of these philosophies?

Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot were two utilitarian conservationist. John Muir and Aldo Leopold were two biocentric philosphers. The reason this question has not been answered sooner is because biocentric is really biocentrism philosophy.

What is Theodore Roosevelt real name?

Theodore Roosevelt.

What was President Roosevelt's full name?

Theodore Roosevelt's real name was...Theodore Roosevelt.

What president was responsible for the Panama Canal?

theodore rosevelt

What was Theodore Roosevelt's middle name?

Theodore Roosevelt did not have a middle name. His full name was simply Theodore Roosevelt.

When did Theodore Roosevelt Sr die?

why Theodore roosevelt died? why Theodore roosevelt died?

What were Theodore Roosevelt's parent's names?

Theodore and Martha.Theodore Roosevelt's parents were Theodore Roosevelt and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt.

What is the birth name of Theodore Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt's birth name is Theodore Roosevelt Jr..

Did Eleanor Roosevelt marry Theodore Roosevelt when Theodore was president?

No, Eleanor Roosevelt marred Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt niece.

What was Theodore Roosevelt full name?

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States of America's full name was Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. And his nickname was Teddy

What is Theodore Roosevelt's Official name?

Theodore Roosevelt

What was Theodore Roosevelt's real name?

Theodore Roosevelt