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Yes. Al Qaeda conspired to attack America (and other nations; a World Trade Center will not just have Americans in it). There is no shred of proof that anyone else, for example George Bush, was involved in this. Bush knew that terrorists would like to fly planes into towers, a scenario going back at least as far as "Escape from New York", but had no actionable evidence as to, for example, which planes, on which days, with which people. The only thing Bush could have done with the available evidence, is shut down all air traffic forever.


Yes, on the part of Al Qaeda and other groups opposed to the US.

The conspiracy hypothesis (theories have evidence; "Truthers" can only make up or misinterpret evidence) is that the United States wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan but the public didn't. To increase the number of people that wanted to, the United States mastered a scheme that blew up the World Trade Centers, killing thousands of people.

The other version of this is that the U.S. didn't make it happen, but learned of it and didn't stop it.

And then there is the evidence-based answer... Al Qaeda conspired to do it, and not enough info leaked into the right hands quickly enough to do anything about it. AQ freely admits they did it. And while the government knew that terrorists would like to crash planes into towers, they didn't have any actionable information (to know which flights to stop) so their only option would be to shut down all flights forever. Remember, all Afghanistan had to do to short-circuit the process is turn over Bin Ladin. And all Iraq had to do was stop shooting at our planes and jerking us around when it came to inspections. Their psychwar campaign to make everyone think they were concealing WMDs worked all too well. Remember, in large part, the Intel we acted on came from the Clinton administration, so clearly the psychwar campaign worked on them too. And as far as the "towers blew up" bit, find me a company that destroys tall buildings that thinks the Towers were a controlled demolition.

Yes, a small group of Osama bin Laden's followers conspired to attack the United States with the support of Al Qaeda. They did exactly that.

The various conspiracy theories mostly involve the US government, foreign intelligence agencies, and schemes by Israel and other countries. None of the theories has much more than oddities, discrepancies, hearsay, or innuendo to support them. Nonetheless, as with all notable historical events, theories and rumors will likely persist due to the lack of indisputable testimony, i.e. from the (deceased) planners themselves.

The major reason that the deaths were counted in the hundreds and thousands is the destruction of escape routes from above the plane impact points. This was especially true in the North Tower, where no one from above the 98th floor successfully got out.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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No. While every major event in history will attract unsubstantiated speculation, and crackpot conspiracy theories based on absolutely no verifiable evidence; no proof has been provided to indicate that the attacks on the United States of America on September 11, 2001, was anything but an Al-Qaeda terrorist criminal act orchestrated and authorized by its founder and leader, now deceased, Osama bin Laden who, in 2004, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

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