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He was responsible for many civil rights bills, and a lot of aid to poor people in the USA. Unfortunately he was also responsible for one of the biggest lies in the history of the USA: the August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. LBJ knew that the US Navy sailors were Probably just "shooting at flying fish". Yet he turned the incident into an excuse to widen US involvement in the Vietnam War, and expand the quagmire until the USA pulled out in 1973 and the war ended in 1975. LBJ was of the first presidents to openly lie to the people which led to the American citizens distrusting the federal government, a distrust that continues today.

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14y ago
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12y ago

NOTHING. He took the Social Security Private Fund, to be used only for Social Security and put in the General Fund and then used that money for social welfare programs. That is why the social security system is hurting today. Thank LBJ, he also escalated our involvement in the Viet Nam War (was never declared a war, it was a police action). That is why he did not run again for another term, he knew he would loose, he was not good for America.

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16y ago

The Great Society(It's a mark of a great society to take care of those that can't take care of themselves) Consisted of Medicaid and Medicare.

Also the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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15y ago

He lowered the poverty rate He appointed the first African American cabinet member. He increased median African American income.

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13y ago


He was a GREAT president he did so many things to improve our fine nation.

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13y ago

The "great society", the civil rights bill Kennedy was hoping to pass, medicare, and putting thurgood marshall as the first African American associate justice of the supreme court...

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The Civil Rights Bill.

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