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No, although some of his enemies claimed this.

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Yes, the CIA played a role in supporting Saddam Hussein's rise to power in Iraq in the early 1960s. Although not directly putting him into power, the CIA provided support to anti-communist factions within the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, one of which Hussein was a member of. However, it is important to note that Hussein's relationship with the US became complicated over time, as he invaded Iran and later Kuwait.

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Q: Was Hussein put into power by us CIA?
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What was Saddam Hussein's relationship with the US?

The US put him into power.

What resulted from the us and british invasion of Iraq in 2003?

saddam hussein was removed from power.

When did the US invade Iraq in an effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power?

The US invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003 with the intent of overthrowing Saddam Hussein and discovering his cache of weapons of mass destruction (which were never found).

Was there a connection with the US and the CIA?

Yes, the CIA is an arm of the US federal government.

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They are not really comparable. The CIA does not enforce any laws, but collects intelligence overseas. There are no circumstances where the CIA can legally arrest you (besides the inspector general arresting CIA employees for, say, stealing money from the CIA). The FBI can arrest people in the US for violating federal laws, and collects intelligence inside the US.

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no youcan not becase the cia works outside the us and the fbi always is in the us

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He was opposed on account of his socialist leanings. As a result the US CIA supported General Augusto Pinochet in removing him from power to keep Chile from "going socialist".

Was Saddam Hussein ever on the CIA payroll?

He was sponsored by the CIA since 1959 and was given the task of killing the leader of Iraq at that time. he botched the killing but went on to kill thousands of his countrymen under the supervision of the CIA, It was OK then since he was killing communists and the US overlooked his actions. He became President in 1979 and the US gave him weapon's, ammunition and training but we wanted him to kill Iranians. In the Iraq and Iran War, there were 1.7 million people killed with the support of the US. Saddam only became a liability when he stared killing our other allies and then we deemed him an enemy.

Who stopped suddam Hussein?

The US military.

What country does the CIA represent?

Central Intelligence Agency ( an oxymoron )

How do you spell CIA?

The acronym CIA stands for the Central Intelligence Agency (US spy agency).

How did the death of Saddam Hussein affect the United States?

Not at all. As villains go, Sadaam Hussein was a great one, and his execution by the new pro-Western Iraqi government was celebrated for about fifteen minutes in the US. However, if he had lived the rest of his life in prison, or in hiding, it would not have affected the US at all. His removal from power in Iraq was what affected the US.