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Since there are no metrics to objectively measure the outcomes and ramifications of a Presidential term, until perhaps years have gone by, this can only be answered with opinion, the following various answers are offered as representative opinions:

No he has messed up the whole country.


He is not that good, but not as bad as most people say he is. Like, how was he supposed to stop a hurricane?


Based upon economics opinion would be NO. The national debt increased during his administration BY THE TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to higher than the national debt increases of all the prior US presidents in history COMBINED.


Yes. Without him, the Terrorists would be winning, the National Debt would be higher, abortion would be more freely, and Palestine would be Muslim.


No he is the worst President the U.S. has ever seen. For one who says the terrorists aren't winning. also the National Debt is the highest it has ever been (FYI, the National Debt is because of Congress which is run by Democrats). Can't you see this is just what they wanted. Because of this unwinnable war, more people are dieing (and we've lost five thousand in the war-- and we've aborted 40 million babies) and the national debt goes sky high. The stock is the lowest it has been in years and who is to blame? BUSH!!!


Actually I would like to say that the Bush tax cuts helped improve the economy, Obama's plan will do the opposite, yet he always refers to the failed economic policies of G Bush. He isn't the best president, but he isn't the worst. At least he has enough decency and morals to not get blown in the Oval Office and at least he is fighting the terrorists that attacked us and killed Americans. I'm glad. I've been in Iraq and I knwo whats really going on over there. All the Media and Liberals are wrong about whats going on over there. You never hear about the schools and hospitals we are building, and the military and law enforcement we're training, and the children who are having their first chocolate bar, and the children who are being vaccinated against Polio, Measles, and every other thing we can think of and afford. Like I said, he isn't the best president we've ever had, but I feel safer with him in office than I will if Obama gets in. Think about it and then ask yourself, should we be over there. (And yes I'm talking mainly about the war, becauses its one of the most important issues) Having seen the look on children's faces when they do eat their first candy is the most satisfying experience ever. I've even adopted 2 orphans from over there because me and my wife can't have children.


Yes, he is. I'm sure he did a better job protecting us then Obama will, especially considering Obama wants to "meet with our enemies"? what is his problem. He did do a good job as a president.


I believe that Bush was a horrible president.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And im totally proud of the guy that threw a shoe at him.!!!!!!


NO!! He definetly was the worst president this country ever had! Of course he can't stop a hurricane but he could've gotten there alot quicker! It didn't take him 5 days to help the tsunami people! And also he is the reason for 9/11! He wanted to be an idiot and blow the towers up for money! Everyone is so worried about Obama cause of his skin when they need to look at Bush and realized how messed up he made this country! Don't hate Obama cause of his's about time we have some change in this country..good change..and i think Obama will do great!!


GO OBAMA!!!!!!!

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13y ago
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13y ago

Absolutely not.

He was a massive disregulation that las led us to to an economic crisis and the blood-letting of the middle class. He made pre-empitive war OK to Americans, using 9/11 and lies as excuses to invade Iraq, putting cronies in postitions that should be filled by properly educated scholars and not idiots from Pat Robertsons Liberty University. He tried to bust up the wall between church and state, not being elected in the first place, politicizing the justice department, K A T R I N A, had the lowest Gallup ratings in the history of the poll. Even lower than Nixon.

goege bush is the best presedent ever well so was Ronald riegan but hes a good presedent way better than whos in now!

although i agree Obama sucks everyone

has there own opinion him like democrats hated him for the way he handled the war in Iraq

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11y ago

There will be both positive and negative views for this answer as it asks an opinion, with that in mind the answer will be segregated so that both maybe presented.

Bad Views:

  • Indictment for war crimes issued by the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan in Tokyo (March 1, 2004)
  • UN Report to the Human Rights commission listing "Torture" and other "war crimes" committed by Bush and his administration (at least 269 counts) in Guantanamo.
  • Violation of of HJR114, invading Iraq without a declaration of war - Violation of UN Charter (international law) on war.
  • falsifying US Troops deaths and injuries,
  • Establishing permanent military bases in Iraq
  • creating of a secret task force to develop energy and military policies in Iraq
  • Providing immunity to contractors for misappropriation of money in Iraq.
  • Kidnapping and unlawful detainment foreign nationals (in violation of UN, International laws)
  • Attempting to overthrow the government of Iran (Propaganda statements to Congress and the Public) - undisclosed CIA operations
  • Unlawfully spying on US Citizens, violation of the 4th amendment, forcing telecom companies to collect database information and turn it over to the government
  • Unlawfully issuing statements by signature
  • Tampering with the 2004 elections in violation of the voting rights act of 1965
  • Obstruction of Justice in post 9/11 investigation

Good Views:

  • (none presented yet, please remove this when positive views are given)

Ok, here goes:




The election tampering was done by the Democrats, not by Bush

Many of the claims listed above are baseless accusations, and in a recent poll, Bush beat Obama, so he must have done something right.

The entire Congress voted for the war in Iraq.

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10y ago

Bush actually was a pretty good president. His getting caught up in the Iraq conflict created many problems with the economy, and the Liberals putting the poor guy down all the time, including the hoaxes that they started about him being dumb were great obstacles.

For instance, the liberals claimed that George Bush never finished out his time with the Air National Guard in Alabama. Well, that is true, but what they did not say is that he finished his obligations at a base in Mississippi.

They say that his mom and dad must have bought his way into Princeton and Yale. (As if those fine, old institutions could be 'bought'.) Besides, his IQ is around 128, which is very high, and close to the lower genius level. (Taken from various SATs, ACTs, and so on. (His opponent, John Kerrie's IQ was good but much, much lower.)

I will not say he was a good president, but I think he did the best he could considering the cabinet and senators and others of whom he had to work. Personality also affects how you are and I do not think former President Bush was very outgoing but is very dogmatic and will not change his mind very easily. "We are who we are."

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12y ago

It is still too early to make a solid historical judgment and even at best, the word "good" is subjective. Bush41 lost his bid for a second term which indicates which indicates a certain lack of popularity with voters, but that does not prove he made wrong decisions, but perhaps says that he was not able to "sell" his point of view.

I think he is generally regarded as an honest and dedicated public servant.

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14y ago

He was a bad president!
Got us into 2 wars, and a recession.

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10y ago

Every president does some good things and makes some mistakes. In President Bush's case, the mistakes he made often overshadowed the good things he did.

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14y ago

Many will say yes because he sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq but he did help many people e.g. taxes

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12y ago


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