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That is an unfair question, since it assumes both of these men did a bad job, and that is not necessarily true. Carter had his detractors, but now that several decades have passed, history is showing that some of his decisions were actually quite reasonable. As for Obama, clearly you do not like him, but that does not make him the worst president. In fact, it should be noted that President Bush inspired similar comments from those who disliked him-- it is also true that many other presidents have been called the worst president in history. Many historians would say that one candidate for "worst president" was Richard Nixon, who was nearly impeached for corruption and had to resign from the presidency.

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Q: Was Carter or is Obama the worst President in history?
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Who told you that would be the case? It is very difficult to measure how good a President will be until long after they have left the office. For example, Harry Truman left the office in disgrace, but he is now considered one of the greatest presidents of all time. That is correct. For all his mistakes, he will probably still be edged out by Jimmy Carter. Carter was a governor with executive experience and still made extraordinarily bad judgement calls regarding the economy and foreign policy. Obama's poor decisions can be chalked up to simple inexperience and a bad choice of advisers.