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party that hold majority during general election

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Q: Under a parliamentary government who has the most power in government?
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The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive?

The statement, "The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive" (that is, to the executive branch of the government), is in fact generally false. While an executive branch of a parliamentary system may in fact have tremendous freedom to act politically as its particular genius dictates, it nevertheless receives legitimacy from the legislative branch of the government, which retains the power to revoke the power of the executive branch by formal schedule, in identifiable emergency-situations, or otherwise.

Which system gives the most power to the legislative branch?

Theoretically, the legislative branch of government has more power in a Parliamentary system than in a Presidential system of government.

Is a unitary form of government is also a parliamentary form of government?

It can be, but not necessarily. A unitary state is simply one where the power is centralized in one place and contrasts with a federation in which power is divided among states/regions and a central government. For example, the UK is a unitary state (for the most part) whereas the US is a federation. A parliamentary form of government simply means that the executive branch/ministers/cabinet are part of the legislative body. Both unitary and federal states can have parliaments. For example, India is a federation with a parliamentary system where as the UK is a unitary state with a parliamentary system.

Where is most of the power under Confederate system of government?

The state governments have most of the power.

Who has the most power in parliamentary system?

Prime minister

Who elects the British prime minister?

That's easy! - most British Citizens are eligible to vote in Parliamentary elections, once they are 18. The Political Party that wins the most seats in Parliament will form a Government. The leader of the largest Parliamentary Party (and therefore the leader of the governing Party) becomes PM and head of the Government.

What is the MOST common form of government system in Europe?

Parliamentary democracy

What is the most common form government system in Europe?

Most countries in Europe are parliamentary democracies, including the UK, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and Austria. France and Russia have a semi-presidential system of government. Europe's only dictatorship is Belorus.

Under a confederate system of government where is the power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

Which branch of government held the most power under the state constitutions?


What is Europe form of government?

Europe's old form of Government was the Monarchy, but most of them today are democracy

Whats a parliamentary?

A parliamentary system is a form of government where the executive branch derives its legitimacy from and is accountable to the legislature. In this system, the head of government is often a prime minister who is chosen from the parliament, and the head of state is a separate position, such as a monarch or president. The parliament plays a crucial role in passing laws, overseeing the government, and representing the will of the people.