The Hatch Act was not enacted during President Grover Cleveland's presidency. The Hatch Act was actually signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939. It aims to prevent federal employees from engaging in certain political activities and ensures the neutrality of the civil service.
The McKinley Tariff was enacted under president Benjamin Harrison, who served between Grover Cleveland's nonconsecutive terms
The Act did not allow Federal employees to join any political organisation which would advocate the overthrow of a constititional form of government. Named after Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico 1939
There are two answers to your question. If you want... Who was the 22nd President's vice president, you get Thomas Hendricks, who served under Grover Cleveland's first term. If you want... Who was the 22nd vice president, you get Levi P. Morton, who served under Benjamin Harrison.
Well, well, well, aren't you curious about history today? Grover Cleveland had two non-consecutive terms as President, so he had different Vice Presidents for each term. Thomas A. Hendricks was his Vice President during his first term from 1885-1889, and Adlai Stevenson I was his Vice President during his second term from 1893-1897. Hope that satisfies your historical hunger!
Thomas A. Hendricks was the 18th US Vice President, and served under President Grover Cleveland. Hendricks died in office on November 25, 1885, just 8 months into his term.
Grover Cleveland served as the President of the United States. During his first term from 1885-1889, Thomas A. Hendricks was his vice president. However, Hendricks passed away in 1885 and Cleveland's second vice president was Adlai E. Stevenson from 1893-1897.
President Grover Cleveland sent in 12,000 US Army troops under General Nelson Miles on the pretense that the strike disrupted the delivery of the US Mail.
President Grover Cleveland (22nd & 24th President) who was first elected in 1884 avoided the Civil War conscription by paying a substitute to serve in his place in the Union Army. This was entirely legal under the Conscription Act of 1863 and made President Cleveland the U.S.'s first "draft dodger."
There is no record of a vice president from Huntington, Indiana. The only vice president from Indiana was Thomas A. Hendricks, who served from 1885 until his death in 1885. Hendricks was born in Ohio and served as the 21st Vice President of the United States under President Grover Cleveland.
The U. S. President immediately before Grover Cleveland's first term was Chester A. Arthur (September, 1881 - March, 1885). The President immediately before Cleveland's second term (and immediately after his first) was Benjamin Harrison (March, 1889 - March, 1893).Chester A. Arthur preceded Cleveland's first term, and Benjamin Harrison preceded Cleveland's second term.
Grover Cleveland sent in 12,000 men from the US Army under the command of General Nelson Miiles.
Grover Cleveland. He opted to pay a substitute to do his service. Although this was legal, under the Conscription Act of 1863, it was a bad law which caused much resentment in the ranks, and brought some very poor material into the armies.