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Q: True or false congress meets in many of your major cities?
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Once a year congress meets formally in a regular?

Congress meets formally in a regular SESSION

What does congress meets in?

Capital building

Time that congress meets?


In the US Congress .?

congress meets in the white house in Washington, D.C

Congress meets during what years?

Congress meets every year from January 3rd to January 2nd of the following year.

What amendment changed when congress meets?

The 20th.

What time the congress meets?

noon noon

What is the name of the building that the congress meets in?

the capital

Who meets in the capitol in Washington D.C.?

the Congress

Is the capitol hill where the us congress meets?


What is the name of the building that the us congress meets in?

The Capitol

Where do congress meet?

the congress meats in Washington d.c.