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Jefferson was the founder of the democratic party

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Q: Thomas Jefferson was one of the leaders in what party?
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Was Thomas Jefferson in the American revolution?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson was one of the leaders in the American Revolution.

Who found the democratic republican party?

Thomas Jefferson is the one who generally found it .

A champion of equal rights and of intellectual and political freedom and one of the most important leaders of the Revolution?

Thomas Jefferson

What political party did Thomas Jefferson belong to?

He was a Democratic-Republican, one of the founders in 1792. The party later split (in 1824) to form the Democratic Party and the Whig Party.

What was thomas jefferson's presidential platform?

Thomas Jefferson's presidential platform was the Republican platform. Thomas Jefferson wanted a small an unobtrusive government and believed the republican party would be able to accomplish that.

Who were the anti-federalist leaders?

Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. The first kids answer is ret*****, Thomas Jefferson was one of the Federalists, and Samuel Adams was impartial... Here are the real ones- James Winthrop, Melancton Smith, Patrick Henry and George Mason.

Who was Meriwether Lewis?

He was one of the leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition into the northwest in 1803. He was also an army captain who was originally appointed by Thomas Jefferson.

How did Thomas Jefferson characterize the transition of power from one party another in election of 1800?

He's just cool that way .

What was one thing Thomas Jefferson do as a child?

thomas Jefferson played outside his house

What is one fact of Thomas Jefferson?

his name is Thomas...

Law that Thomas Jefferson wanted?

the law thomas Jefferson wanted was the one that would stop slavery the law thomas Jefferson wanted was the one that would stop slavery

Who were some federalist?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison All I know '^-^ He is wrong some of the REAL federalists are James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay Just to add on a bit, Thomas Jefferson is a Anti-Federalist. Don't get that mixed up because Thomas Jefferson was one of the leaders of the Anti-Federalist and he was important. Hope this helped.