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Electoral votes... I believe is the answer! :)

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Q: This is equal to the number of representative and senators from the status from the states plus three votes form Washington D.C?
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True or false A states total electoral votes are determined by adding the number of its representative to the number of its senators?

Yes, this is correct.

What is the number of South Carolina State Senators that are sent to Washington?

Each state sends two senators to represent them in the Senate. 435 representative are distributed in a pro-rata proportion based on population, among the 50 states, and the American Protectorates (Guam, American Samoa)

Do the US Senators have to live in their States or in Washington DC?

They work in washington, but they live in their states

The number of presidential electors is the same number of what?

The number of electors for a state is determined by the state's representation in Washington. That is, each state has one elector for each senator and one elector for each representative. For example, Wyoming has two senators and one member of the House of Representatives. Therefore, Wyoming has three electors.

Who are the two senators that were to represent us in washington dc?

Only states have U.S. Senators.

How many senators are in the congrees?

The are 100 United States Senators in the United States Congress. Each state is allowed to have two elected senators in Washington, DC.

What number of senators does WA have?

All States have two senators.

What 2 states have female senators?

The two states with female senators are California and New Hampshire.

How many US senators at present?

The US Senate has 102 Senators and will continue to have the same number (2 per state plus Washington DC) until more states are admitted into the union.

How many houses did the Great Compromise have?

The Great Compromise involved both houses of Congress. It based the number of representative in the House of Representatives on population and the number of Senators on a set number per state. It was a compromise between the large states and small states.

What are the names of the Washington states senators?

Maria Cantwell and Patty murrey.

How many senators is texas allowed to send to Washington DC?

All states have two senators. There are 100 senators total in the national Congress.