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Complex Sentence


when what is a complex sentence Google itself defined it as:

A sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses.

that is your answer but it doesn't mention an independent clause this is because all sentences have an independent clause since the subordinate(dependent) clauses need something to depend on especially when it is only one subordinate clause. So it has one independent clause with one or more subordinate clause or clauses.

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Q: This consists of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses?
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This consists of two or more independent clauses with no subordinate clauses?

This is called a compound sentence. It consists of two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or." Each clause can stand alone as a complete sentence.

What is the difference between an indepent clause and a depent claues?

Commas are used differently when a clause is an independent clauses or if the clause is a dependent/subordinate clauses.

Does a coordinating conjunction introduce a subordinate clause?

No, a coordinating conjunction introduces an independent clause. Subordinate clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions.

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An Independent clause is independent or main clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. An Subordinate clause is a subordinate (or dependent) clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence.

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This question is somewhat ambiguously phrased, because independent and dependent clauses are mutually exclusive categories, and a clause that is introduced by a subordinate conjunction is not independent by definition. However, substituting a coordinating conjunction in a independent clause by a subordinate conjunction can convert an initially independent clause into a dependent clause.

Is a comma needed when a subordinate clause follows an independent clause?

Yes, a comma is usually needed when a subordinate clause follows an independent clause to separate the two clauses.

A Subordinating conjunction is a word that joins two independent clauses?

Actually, a subordinating conjunction is a word that joins a dependent clause to an independent clause. It shows the relationship between the two clauses and makes the dependent clause subordinate to the independent clause.

What is a clause that needs another clause to make sense?

Subordinate clauseA subordinate (or dependent) clause is a clause that needs another clause. Unlike independent clauses it cannot stand alone. The word because is usually a good indicator of a subordinate clause.

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One independent clause + dependent clause= complex sentence Two independent clauses = compound sentence Two or more independent clauses + two or more dependent clauses = compound-complex sentence

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What statements about subordinate clause is false?

One false statement about subordinate clauses is that they always function as independent sentences on their own. Another false statement is that they are always placed at the beginning of a sentence. Subordinate clauses can also come after the main clause in a sentence.