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A2 Puberty.

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Q: The testes and ovaries do not begin making active reproductive cells until?
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When do the testes and the ovaries begin making active reproductive cells?

The testes and ovaries begin making active, mature reprductive cells during puberty.

What female reproductive structure is functionally homologous to the testes?

The female reproductive organ that is functionally similar to the male testes is the ovaries. They store the female reproductive cells, the eggs. However, unlike the testes, they do not make the reproductive cells.

Testes and ovaries are known as?

Reproductive organs

Parts of the reproductive systems in men and women both testes and ovaries also produce hormones making them part of what other system?

Endocrine system. Both the testes and ovaries produce hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, making them part of the endocrine system, which regulates various bodily functions through the secretion of hormones.

What are the reproductive hormones produced by the male and female reproductive organs?

In males, the reproductive hormone produced is testosterone by the testes, while in females, the primary reproductive hormones are estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries.

What is gonads?

Gonads are reproductive organs that produce gametes (ova or sperm) and sex hormones. In males, the gonads are the testes, which produce sperm and testosterone. In females, the gonads are the ovaries, which produce eggs and hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Are testes and ovaries a part of the respiratory system?

no they are not they are apart of the reproductive system

What are the differences between ovaries and testes?

Ovaries are the female reproductive organs that produce eggs and hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, while testes are the male reproductive organs that produce sperm and testosterone. Ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity, while testes are located in the scrotum outside the body. Additionally, ovaries are typically paired organs, while testes are singular.

What is the function of female testes?

Females do not have testes. Testes are male reproductive organs. The female equivalent of testes is ovaries, which produce eggs and female sex hormones.

What are male testes and female ovaries called?

Male testes and female ovaries are both reproductive organs that produce sex cells (sperm in males and eggs in females).

What structures are part of both the endocrine system and reproductive systems?

The ovaries and testes are structures that are part of both the endocrine system and reproductive system. They secrete hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, which play a role in regulating both the reproductive and endocrine systems.

What are ovaries and do men have it?

Ovaries are reproductive organs in females that produce eggs and secrete hormones. Men do not have ovaries; instead, they have testes which produce sperm and hormones like testosterone.