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The Reagan administration committed the US to protect, serve, and benefit anyone of means. Any citizen with wealth was given rights and opportunities not afforded to anyone else.

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massive arms buildup

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Q: The reagan administration committed the us to a What?
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The Reagan administration committed the US to a?

massive arms buildup

What did The Reagan administration commit the US to do?

The Reagan administration committed the US to protect, serve, and benefit anyone of means. Any citizen with wealth was given rights and opportunities not afforded to anyone else.

What did The Reagan administration commit the US to?

The Reagan administration committed the US to protect, serve, and benefit anyone of means. Any citizen with wealth was given rights and opportunities not afforded to anyone else.

The Reagan administration rapidly increased spending on?


Who were the anticommunist counterrevoluyionaries in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed?

The Contras was the counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed.

The Iran-Contra Affair occurred during the Reagan administration?

The iran-contra affair occurred during the Reagan administration

The Reagan administration managed to get an overall tax cut for individuals and businesses?

Incorrect. Middle class taxes were doubled under the Reagan administration.

Which US President committed the US to the International Space Station?

President Ronald Reagan committed the United States to participating in the International Space Station in 1984. However, it was President Bill Clinton who officially announced the US commitment to building the station in 1993.

Which President had the most members of their administration indicted or convicted of crimes?

the Reagan administration

Who were the anticommunist counterrevolutionaries in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed?

The Contras was the counterrevolutionaries backed by Reagan.

Was Iran-Contra a covert operation under the Clinton administration?

No, it was under the Reagan administration

Americans were taken hostage during which administration?
