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Q: The plan that brought in white volunteers to help with voter registration efforts was called?
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Related questions

How many volunteers did Abraham Lincoln first ask for?

He called on 75,000 volunteers, on April 15, 1861.

How many soldiers did Abraham Lincoln first ask for?

He originally called for 75,000 volunteers.

Young men who joined the army were called?


What is it called when a parent volunteers to help out at a dance?

A chaperone

The foreign policy statement that called for an end to all European colonization efforts in the Western Hemisphere was known as the?

The foreign policy initiative calling for an end to all European colonization efforts in the Western Hemisphere was known as the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was brought about in 1823.

Lincoln called on the states to provide 7500 of these volunteers to take up arms against the south?

In April 1861, President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers from the various states to join the Union army and suppress the rebellion in the southern states. This was in response to the attack on Fort Sumter and the secession of several southern states. The call for volunteers sparked intense patriotic fervor and propelled the United States into the American Civil War.

Is Tom Hanks in the film called Volunteers?

Yes, Tom Hanks stars in the film Volunteers. He plays the role of Lawrence Whatley Bourne III.

Local people who work together on a campaign are called?


What is signing up to vote in elections called?

It is called voter registration.

How many volunteers did Lincoln call for after fort Sumter?

After the surrender of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers. He requested that each of them serve for three months.

Are there picture books about volunteers?

There are picture books about volunteers. Some are called Mr. Bow Tie, Helping Out and Magical Hands. There are many more available at your local library.

What is The process of signing up to be a voter is called?
