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The population of a given state determines the number of representatives the state gets.

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The number of people it has.

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population population population

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Q: The number of Representatives a State gets depend on?
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Does the number of votes in the electoral college depend on the number of votes the states want?

closeThe number of presidential electors each state appoints is equal to the total of that state's U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators. Since every state has two U.S. Senators, the number of electors is the number of the state's U.S. Representatives plus two.

In the house of representatives the number of votes a state gets depend on this?

The number of representative in the U.S. House of Representatives is fixed at 435. Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau takes a census of the population in each state. The 435 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives is then reapportioned among the 50 states based on the population in each state.

How is the number of Representatives a state gets determined?

By its population, but they get at least one.

The number of presidental electors a state gets is the same as?

The number of its Representatives plus the number of its Senators.

Where does congress gets it number?

The House of Representatives' number depends on the population of each state. The more populous the state is, the more representatives to the House of Representatives they have. The Senate is comprised of two senators from each state regardless of the state's population.

What determines how many representatives each state gets in a house?

The number of representatives each state gets in the House of Representatives is determined by the population of that state. This is based on the decennial (every 10 years) census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The more populous a state is, the more representatives it has in the House.

How many electors does a state get?

2AnswerIn the electoral college, the number that each state gets is equal to the number of senators plus the number of representatives. Each state has 2 senators, and the representatives are based on population. So if a state has 6 representatives in the house, they will get 8 electoral votes.

The number of presidentail electors a state gets for a president election is determend by adding the state total number of?

State Senators (U.S Senate) + State Representatives (U.S House of Representatives) = State Electors. Kansas has 2 Senators and 4 Representatives, so they have 6 electoral votes.

What two things determine how many electoral votes a state gets?

The number of Representatives and Senators of the state combined.

How does your government gets its number of representatives?

Each state has a diffrennt number of reps. they each get 2 senates and the number is alwasy determined by the population of that state.

How are Census and House of Representatives related?

The number of Representatives a state gets is directly proportional to is population as indicated in the most recent Census.

How is representation in each determined?

In the Senate, each state gets 2 representatives. In the House of Representatives, the number of representatives per state is based on the population. This is determined from the census every ten years.