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The covert sale of arms to Iran to try to free U.S. hostages in Lebanon and fund the Nicaraguan Contras.

Reagan's attempts to assist rebels in Honduras.--APEX

Reagan trying to secretly assist the Contras.

Reagan trying to secretly assist the Contras
This was the Iran-Contra scandal. It involved a complex trade initiated by members of the Department of Defense and CIA. The purpose was to work around a Congressional prohibition to supply any non-humanitarian aid to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels fighting the Communist-leaning Sandanista government of Nicaragua and as a method for providing the release of US hostages held by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It involved a complex and secret program to have Israel sell arms to certain "moderate" Iranian groups, with the understanding that the US would then replace any weapons Israel sold. It was intended to have the Iranian groups influence Hezbollah, who had taken US hostages in Lebanon. It quickly degenerated into a straight "arms-for-hostages" deal through the Iranians.

In addition, profits from the arms sales were then illegally funneled to aid the Contra rebels, which Congress had forbidden.

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Q: The major political scandal of Reagan's second term revolved around?
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