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creation of a cultural mosaic

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Q: The frequent desire of immigrants to live in communities that consisted primarily of members of their own nationality resulted in?
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The make-up of immigrants after 1965 changed primarily to what nationalities?

After 1965, the general makeup of immigrants into the United States changed. Before 1965, most immigrants were European in origin. After 1965, most immigrants were from Latin American, primarily Mexico.

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The people in Bangkok are primarily Thai, but the city is multicultural with people from various ethnic backgrounds living and working there.

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While there are groups in the US that may self-identify as gypsies, the use of the term "gypsy" is considered derogatory to many Romani communities. It is more respectful to refer to these communities as Romani or Roma people. There are Romani communities in the US, primarily descended from Romani immigrants who settled in the country over the past century.

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Yarbrough is primarily a surname of English or Scottish origin. It is not a distinct nationality in itself, as the nationality of individuals with the surname Yarbrough can vary depending on their ancestry and country of origin.

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The surname Ege is primarily of Turkish origin. It is a common surname in Turkey and is likely to be associated with Turkish nationality.

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Post 1889 newcomers who came to America primarily from southern and eastern Europe?

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The post-1880 newcomers who came to America are called the 'New Immigrants'. The immigrants came from the eastern and southern Europe.

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